calling cards
calling cards

On Starting Over

January 10, 2010
"For me, that was the great thing about splitting up: to be able to go off and make my own record and record all those songs I'd been stockpiling.  And also to be able to record with all these new people, which was like a breath of fresh air."


On Meditation

January 10, 2010
"I believe I have already extended my life by twenty years.  I believe there are bods up here in the Himalayas who have lived for centuries."


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On John's Comment About Jesus

January 9, 2010
"I agree with what John said, but that doesn't mean I'm against religion.  He was making a serious point, but his remarks were taken out of context."


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On Success

January 9, 2010
"I've had caviar and I like it.  But I'd still rather have an egg sandwich."


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On Life

January 9, 2010
"Let's get our kicks today for tomorrow we die, man, that's rot.  Some people are like that, thick people blowing up the world.  I am interested in what will happen."


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